You can easily translate words or sentences from Aurebesh to English and vice versa.
Star Wars
A must-have app for all Star Wars nerds and fans who wish to translate Aurebesh into Galactic Basic.

Most frequent questions and answers
Yes. Aurebesh is completely free.
Aurebesh is available on Google Play, Galaxy Store, and on Amazon Appstore.
Aurebesh was a writing system used to transcribe Galactic Basic Standard, the most spoken language in the galaxy. In the Outer Rim Territories, Aurebesh was sometimes used alongside Outer Rim Basic, another alphabet.
Aurebesh text could be seen on the screens of various types of technology, including screens in the cockpits of N-1 starfighters, the Separatist facility known as Skytop Station, and inside macrobinoculars.
The app features all Aurebesh characters: Aurek, Besh, Cresh, Dorn, Esk, Forn, Grek, Herf, Isk, Jenth, Krill, Leth, Mern, Nern, Osk, Peth, Qek, Resh, Trill, Usk, Vev, Weak, Xesh, Yirt, Zerek, Cherek, Enth, Onith, Krenth, Nen, Orenth, Shen, Thesh, and more!
Version: 1.09
Release: June 21, 2024
Requires: Android 4.1 or newer
Tablet support: Yes
Version 1.09 (21.06.2024)
- Minor changes.
Jani Dolhar